The annual law for the market and competition provides, starting from 2018, specific transparency obligations for companies and associations receiving contributions and endowments from public administrations.
The Annual Law for the Market and Competition (L. 4 August 2017, n. 124) in article 1, paragraphs 125-129 provides that starting from 2018, environmental protection associations, consumer and user associations, as well as associations, non-profit organizations and foundations that have economic relationships with public administrations (or similar bodies) or companies controlled or participated by them, including companies with listed securities, are required to publish on their websites by June 30 of each year on their websites or digital portals, information relating to grants, contributions, paid positions and in any case to economic advantages of any kind received from the same public administrations and from the same subjects in the previous year.
Companies that receive endowments, contributions, paid positions and in any case economic advantages of any kind from public administrations and similar subjects, are required to publish such amounts in the explanatory notes to the financial statement and in the explanatory note to any consolidated financial statements.
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